JSON to Excel converter

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Accepts json

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Convert JSON to Excel online

With our online JSON to Excel converter you can convert your files without downloading any software or writing code. Unlike other services, you can make graphs from your converted data or perform analysis. Just click the navigation on the left hand side.

Convert JSON to Excel online

Works with large JSON files that have millions of rows

View your converted Excel data before downloading it


Java Script Object Notation (JSON) is a format that was designed for use with the Javascript Programming Language.

JSON files do not have a schema or required columns. Each row can have different field names and types. This can

make JSON files difficult to analyze.


XLSX is a format used by Microsoft Excel to store tabular data in spreadsheets.

XLSX files store multiple sheets, where each sheet can contain one or more tables of data.

How to convert JSON to Excel

  1. Upload your JSON file
  2. Your JSON file will be converted to Excel
  3. Download your Excel file
  4. Click the view button to view your file