TSV to Parquet converter
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Accepts tsv
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Convert TSV to Parquet online
With our online TSV to Parquet converter you can convert your files without downloading any software or writing code. Unlike other services, you can make graphs from your converted data or perform analysis. Just click the navigation on the left hand side.
Convert TSV to Parquet online
Works with large TSV files that have millions of rows
View your converted Parquet data before downloading it
TSV (Tab Separated Values) files are the same as CSV files, except values in a row are separated by a tab.
Values within a row are separated by tabs. Rows are separated by newlines.
TSV files often start with a header row that has column names, but this is not required.
Each row in a TSV file mush have the same number of values as the header row.
TSV files do not enforce types or a schema. This means that each column can have multiple types, which can make analysis difficult and compression inefficient.
Parquet files can be easier to analyze and compress better than TSV files.
Apache Parquet (.parquet) is a format that was designed for storing tabular data on disk. It was designed based on the format used in Google's Dremel paper (Dremel later became Big Query).
Parquet files store data in a binary format, which means that they can be efficiently read by computers but are difficult for people to read.
Parquet files have a schema, so means that every value in a column must have the same type. The schema makes Parquet files easier to analyse than CSV files and also helps them to have better compression so they are smaller on disk.
How to convert TSV to Parquet
- Upload your TSV file
- Your TSV file will be converted to Parquet
- Download your Parquet file
- Click the view button to view your file
How to convert TSV to Parquet in Python
We can convert TSV to Parquet in Python using Pandas or DuckDB
How to Convert TSV to Parquet using Pandas
First, we need to install pandas
pip install pandas
Then we can load the TSV file into a dataframe
df = pd.read_csv('path/to/file.tsv', sep='\t')
Finally, we can export the dataframe to the Parquet format
df.to_parquet('path/to/file.parquet', index=False)
How to Convert TSV to Parquet using DuckDB
First, we need to install duckdb for Python
pip install duckdb
The following DuckDB query will read a TSV file and output a Parquet file
duckdb.sql("""COPY (select * from 'path/to/file.tsv') TO 'path/to/file.parquet' (FORMAT 'parquet')""")
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Analyze Parquet
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Analyze TSV
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TSV viewer
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TSV graph maker
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