Pearson Correlation Calculator

Calculate Pearson correlation coefficient (r) to measure the strength and direction of linear relationships between two variables. Includes statistical significance testing and R² analysis.

Correlation analysis results

Correlation coefficient (r):


Coefficient of determination (R²):



0.0000(Statistically significant)

Sample size:


Statistical interpretation:

Strength and direction:Strong positive correlation

There is strong statistical evidence (p < 0.05) that the correlation between Advertising Spend ($) and Sales Revenue ($) is not due to random chance.

The coefficient of determination (R² = 0.9769) indicates that 97.7% of the variance in Sales Revenue ($) can be explained by Advertising Spend ($).

Scatter plot

How to Use the Pearson Correlation Calculator

  1. Enter paired data values for two variables
  2. Select independent (X) and dependent (Y) variables
  3. View the correlation coefficient (r) and significance
  4. Interpret the strength and direction of the relationship
  5. Analyze the coefficient of determination (R²)

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